Research Center for Photonics/Electronic Materials is oriented towardsnew materials and devices for major social demands in information and energyfields. Also, we work on designing and synthetizing artificial nano-layerscompound films and devices with specific photoelectric properties in atomicscale. Major research fields: silicon based luminescent thin film materials, organicoptoelectronic materials, microelectronics high-k grid materials, giantdielectric materials and wide band gap semiconductor optical thin filmmaterials, as well as silicon based luminescent devices, integrated photoniccontrol devices, integrated circuit, optical sensor, super capacitor,artificial intelligence bionic structures based on these compound materials.
Research centerfollows the research regulation of material science and upholds the researchtheories of high standard, high efficiency, high accuracy fromdeveloped countries, such as Germany and the United States. Currently, researchcenter had spent more than 4 million yuan for four Atomic Layer DepositionSystems, a process line of manufacturing nano-compound thin filmsoptoelectronic prototype devices, an automatic system for testing and analyzingoptoelectronic devices. According to practical needs, equipment and softwaresystems in the laboratory had been promoted, which had achieved humanization,standardization, automation for researching.
Research center has been consecutively supported by thethree National Natural Science Fund projects and two major national basicresearch project "973" projects in recent years. We have publishedmore than 80 papers in the domestic and foreign core journals, some of whichthe high efficiency silicon light-emitting diode aspects of the research workshave been included by Springer light science vol 48 (2010) Integrated SiliconOptoelectronics in Chapter 9. The world's leading scientific andtechnical journals, Laser Focus World and Science Daily, has made a specialand successive introduce about silicon ultraviolet light-emitting devices andcolor-changing electroluminescent devices based on our collaboration with theRossendorf Research Center in Germany. Recent years, the luminous externalquantum efficiency and other indicators of our self-designed rare earthion-doped high efficiency silicon-based electroluminescent devices ranks theleading position of silicon-based light-emitting devices at home and abroad.
Research Centeris in accordance with the international advanced laboratory standards for thetraining of Graduates. Laboratory working conditions and research abilitytraining are particularly suitable for Graduates and doctoral students who havea strong interest in scientific research and international development. Thelaboratory has established extensive cooperation and contact with Germany,Sweden, Italy, the United Kingdom, the United States and other countries.Competence Education of graduate students includes information collectionability, project planning ability, executive ability, practical ability,scientific and technical English writing ability, oral expression ability, etal. Research process involves a comprehensive professional technical educationof modern optoelectronic, including integrated R & D skills training, suchas automatic control, modern semiconductor technology, vacuum film technology,photoelectric testing technology, comprehensive analysis of materials.Qualified graduates can be a professional and technical personnel ofinformation and energy companies, universities and colleges as well as researchinstitutions in semiconductor chip circuit manufacturing, solar photovoltaic,lighting, optical communication, and super capacitors. Most outstandinggraduated students via autonomous contact or recommended to advanced laboratorywork abroad.
Introduction of academic leader:
ProfessorSun Jiaming graduated from school of physics in Jilin University, and worked in Institute of Physics, Tokyo University in Japan,German Rossendorf research center. Now he is a professor of Nankai University.He has engaged in silicon-based electroluminescence research for more than 20years and has made a significant progress in three types of silicon-basedelectroluminescent devices, such as silicon PN junction LED, Er dopednano-silicon and rare-earth ion implanted SiO2 MOS structure. He haswon the annual advanced research awards of Rossendorf Research Center inGermany for 2004. Laser Focus World and Science Daily have published articles about his work on the topic ofhigh-efficiency ultraviolet and wavelength from red to blue Adjustablesilicon-based light-emitting devices .He returned to work in Nankai Universityand established the silicon photonics and energy storage devices laboratory.More than 80 papers have been published in core journals at home and abroad. Heis a committee of the Chinese society of luminescence and Chinese dopingnano-materials luminescence meeting.