

来源:Science China Materials



近日,南开大学李红时副教授等人Science China Materials发表研究论文,探索了两种不同类型前驱体的胶体成分:原料单体混合溶解(MMD)和预合成的钙钛矿单晶再溶解(SCR)。





Figure 1. (a) XRD pattern of fresh and aged perovskite single crystals. The inset is a photograph of synthesized perovskite single crystals. (b, c) DLS results of the perovskite precursors using MMD (denoted as C-Unfiltered) and synthesized perovskite single crystal (denoted as S-Unfiltered), respectively. The insets represent the distribution of small-sized colloids in the range of a few nanometers in the C-Unfiltered and S-Unfiltered precursors, respectively. (d, e) ICP-OES results of C-Filtered, C-Unfiltered, S-Filtered and S-Unfiltered. (f) 1H NMR spectra of C-Unfiltered and S-Unfiltered perovskite precursors aged for 5 days.

Figure 2. (a) Formation energies of the five surfaces (2H100, 2H101, 4H100, 4H101, and 3C100) in DMSO/DMF solvent mixtures determined by AIMD. (b) Schematic diagram of the chemical equilibrium relationships for dissolution processes and the colloidal composition of precursors of MMD and SCR. (c) The energy schematic diagram of perovskite different phases.

Figure 3. (a–d) Top-view SEM images of C-Filtered, C-Unfiltered, S-Filtered and S-Unfiltered films. (e) Steady-state PL spectra and (f) TRPL decays of the C-Unfiltered and S-Unfiltered perovskite films deposited on glass substrate. (h) Steady-state PL spectra and (i) TRPL decays of the C-Unfiltered and S-Unfiltered perovskite films deposited on the FTO/SnO2 substrates. (g) SCLC characteristics of electron-only devices. (j) M-S analysis of the devices. (k) EIS of the C-Filtered, C-Unfiltered, S-Filtered, and S-Unfiltered devices measured with a bias of 1.0 V under dark conditions. The inset presents the equivalent circuit model.

Figure 4. (a) Statistical distributions of PCEs collected from a batch of 100 devices for the C-Filtered, C-Unfiltered, S-Filtered, and S-Unfiltered devices. (b) VOC distribution of perovskite solar cells. (c) J-V curves of the C-Unfiltered and S-Unfiltered devices under both forward and reverse scans. (d) The stabilized power outputs over 150 s of the C-Unfiltered and S-Unfiltered devices were measured at voltages of 0.84 and 0.92 V in the ambient environment, respectively. (e) Dark stability of the unencapsulated devices in the nitrogen environment.


期刊:Science China Materials

题目:Unraveling the colloidal composition of perovskite precursor solutionsand its impact on film formation

作者:Tiantian Lou't, Letian Chen't, Guichun Yang', Peng Chen', Wenyan Zhao,, Hongshi Li'and Guoran Li

接受日期:13 December 2024
